where did i go wrong?
Night time anxiety
just bringing some looks back for fun
SID OR SCOOT!? They are becoming the same person 😖
Brother to bio mom
my gift to you all since we’re in the spirit 🩷
Recent IG story dancing
Nose job
epi pen story time
5’2 ladies - What’s your goal weight?
24F , Grew up getting told i would “grow into my features” and it’s warped my perspective of myself
almost 6 months on sema
Looking for friends
Her most recent stories about her hair
Nurse vlogger
someone took a picture of me at the gym
Why do you think the pairings happened?
new merch 12pm est tomorrow
I like my bacon crispy
HR high and HRV low
Avery Beverly
Called in sick and got yelled at via phone. Wanting to quit, but not sure if I’m being emotional
16 yr old tryna become an emt