People claiming Roger sexually abused Jenni
Just a fan group for Jenni
Anyone can join
New page for Jersey Shore
Biggest Jenni fan post
Jenni is a big bully
I like Zack better than Roger
Angelina thinks she's the fan favorite when Chris Buckner is the favorite and he's a non main cast member
Jenni's biggest fan post
I don't think Roger is as bad as Jenni says or the show makes him seem to be
What is the show without Angelina?
Not sure I’ve ever cried but….
Jersey shore original
Ang and 2.0
Am I the only one that feels bad for Ange? I’m watching season 5 right now of JSFV.
morality chart
Deena won. Who presents themselves as neutral, but is actually good?
Let’s do the morality chart for Jersey Shore. Who presents themselves as good, and is actually good?
I got emotional watching jenni and snook help out ang
Gift from my sister.
Has anyone ever got blocked by a cast member on Social media?
I got 2 Jersey Shore shirts for Christmas
Who Wrote the Note? Wrong answers only
Jwowws lack of self awareness is infuriating
Rogers Surprise Party