Who Would Win?
I'm among the normal touhou fans i just thought it was funny
Not even a Cirno fan, but they are quite based with their reasons
Losercity Don Cheadle
What does the P stand for?
Who in your opinion do you think aged well or aged poorly from 1899 to 1911
High effort meme title
NCR Fanboys: Ave, true to Kimball!
Independent players be like:
What stupid shit did Zepheniah Mann watch you do during the gravel wars
What was it about your favorite Touhou character that initially drew you to them?
Roast me
Moira Brown, Fallout 3
If Fallout tv season 2 ends up including Craig Boone, who is your casting?
It’s such an amazing game
Todd Howard lets you write one line of dialouge for Elder scrolls 6. what is it?
Is there a lore reason why my Dad gave me this t-shirt as a gift?
Stope scrolling now
Fallout wins "best adaption" at the gameawards 2024
[Fo4] Vault 114 textures being broken.
I love this game series! What is it called?Hmm…Kentucky Fried Chicken!
Songs that mention "life" in the title
"There's a sort of molerat repellant I developed. I need it to be tested on a few Mole Rats before I can say it's a success."
My friend said he could "beat the world record" on his first play through (this is 4 hours in)