Seeing this player icon generally makes me nervous as i assume it as a smurf, am i alone in thinking this ahah.
My lootbox hall this season has been crazy. I'm so glad they brought it back! How are you guys getting about it?
which side are you on?
This is my offer, not that bad, the hanzo and rein look good.
If i buy a skin will i start winning more games, AKA, that was a joke...
How many war stars do you have?
Is zarya really overtuned right now or something??
I like the new competitive changes, but I was hoping we would see everyone's rank "publicly" like in OW1.
When you're on a losing streak and need help from that one friend
When you're the last one alive, knowing damn well you're next, so you run back to your spawn room.
When someone asks me how my competitive placements are coming along...
When two one-tricks get into the same game...
is it good ( previous season it was silver 2 )
Torb mains after this update be like... "This is the best day of my life" with an evil voice.
Sombra mains be dodging dva bullets like
DPS and Support players will understand this
Hog players when trying to make friends...
Ana mains when they hit a sleep.
Players in season 16 be like....
Blizzard when Marvel Rivals actually did well on steam...
We have all had that one stubborn player
Bronze players be like...
Seeing a Genji player use deflect against Moira be like...
Rein mains will understand this
I can't complain, some look hella fine.