Nervous about upper level class discussion section
Prescription Needles In Dorm?
Class waitlists and backup classes
TAHRIR Dia de los Muertos Ball
Can I bring a book into the stadium?
I’ve been seeing this on TikTok which is confusing me
Anyone in college currently is it a bad idea to bring books with you?
Fear of fire alarms when I shower
When am I meant to start feeling romantic/sexual attraction?
How do I find my RA?
Sensory Issues social life?
My mom doesn't want me to join the military how can I convince her
Rank when graduating
What historical fact you find insane is not commonly known?
I need help - mathematics AA HL IB. I'm learning on my own.
Am I cooked?
Suggest some good historical fiction books
what font do you use personally for academic writing?
do I even have a chance to get into a good college (less than 30% acceptance rate) with my current final scores?
May 2024 candidates and post high school
Help me
Will schools re-calculate GPA at all?
Do AP classes boost GPA for IB students?
Rating your subjects cus im bored
4 HL or Former 4 HL peeps, what HLs did you take and why?