What a Modern Day BtVS Needs
[KCD2] If I can't "Distill" without a "Phial" anyway, maybe "Distill" prompt shouldn't obstruct the "Phial" leaving me one pixel for it's activation.
[KCD2] Old habits die hard
Yall got any 2d, story driven games?
"Patel revealed that she believes the romantic options in RPGs "undermine that core experience" and practically invite players to focus more on the romance than on the story or even the characters themselves."
Could Obsidian Return to the HRE?
Bowie & ‘Real Music’
What is a demon?
It's overblown how much darker Angel is
The Eras of Obsidian
What is Bowie's most neurotic song?
Spoilers. A Buffy relationship chart I made for my first watch.
How to spot a Norwegian accent?
What happened to the prophetic dreams?
Wolfram and Hart tattoo ideas?
So the Laura we see in Cooper’s first Black Lodge dream is a tulpa, right?
I love Spike as much as the next guy, but I found it fucked up that he still went with the BuffyBot sex slave after Joyce’s death.
What does the fandom think of Xander?
If Angel was never cursed then what would Angelus have said about Spike killing the Slayer in China?
How did Giles not get fired from the school?
[KCD2] Walking Around Kuttenberg Be Like...
[KCD2] My only complaint so far: 80 hours in, and still not a single church I can enter?!
The Scoobies Never Liked Anya
Can Norwegians Levitate?
How do you think the characters would respond to the trolley problem?