my 18yo Cheerleaders tits know how to keep a secret… Say ‘Yes’ and I might just share one with you in ur inbox.
what song is he playing?
Type “I am” and let your autocorrect finish it
What’s your favorite drink?
This thing is horrible. What's the worst looking slipknot mask ever?
What animal is this?
Please help i think my cousin wants my dick
type “i did your____.” and let autocomplete finish the sentence
Yes, it's perfectly normal! ☺️
I wish they updated the avatars more frequently, which one do you use?
Favorite/least favorite Iowa mask
Favorite/least favorite Sid mask?
What song is this for you?
do it:)
Take 2, leave 1
Type only "clock" in your reply and let autocorrect finish the sentence
Best wood in minecraft?
This one’s gone around the block too much.
I prefer ____ when they are naked.
The only thing worst than a rapist is a _____
What age would you NEVER want to go back to?
What song
Hello there traveler take a look at the memes that have been left by the others
Other than slipknot, what other bands do y’all like?