Is it just me or does Diablo feel fun again
What doing the new content in T4 looks like
[OC] I made my own version of a WoW Map of the USA!
To people who aren't super excited for Diablo 4 season 7 Kripp says it's his most hyped season.
What class feels like home to you?
Is there enough time left to reach pvp elite transmog set?
Patch 11.1 prep
What’s the best realm for a high populated Alliance server?
Imagine winning 1500-0 at 3k mmr. Something is odd.
DPS, What do you do while you wait for the queue pop?
How many of you genuinely likes Plunderstorm?
How do YOU play with a controller ?
Blitz ended in draw even tho we won?
Space Ranch Build
Have you ever fallen out of love with a class?
Who is the person in the Chosen Revelry (Rogue & Fatebound) icon?
I hit 2070 MMR in solo shuffle after one game of placement matches.
Trying to reach 1.8k in Blitz
Please hello games
This game gets a lot of hate.... Whats a positive thing you've enjoyed since launch?
Never PvP’d on Mage before, was planning on having to learn and this taking the rest of the season, not two hours.
Dear Blizzard , Please remove this annoying chains
Gladiator transmog should be given at 1600
My boss left her ramen in the microwave for too long.