Just got my hair done, roast me
When your jeans just give up on you
Did you take your newborn to postpartum appt?
Hoping this is negative. Tell me it is
Am I pregnant??
Am I pregnant?
Is this positive or evaporation?
Feeling lost looking for anyone to share their stories
AITA For Asking My Boyfriend To Wash His Hands?
How do I tell my 6 year old I’m going to die soon?
What's hard about dating you?
Is this just a evaporation line?
My husband has expressed his desire for a second wife, and I’m not sure how to navigate this situation.
Two line?
Having children does have it’s perks.
I need advice on how to help my roommate's dogs.
Anyone know gender???
Was anyone else silent while giving birth?
Pregnant or not...
My Daughter Texted on the Way Homefrom School During a Snowstorm
Positive test?
American dads: please take maximum paternity leave
37 M Father of two Wife challenged me to post here
Ex boyfriend found my car
My girlfriend took this test yesterday is it faulty? It has a really faded almost non existent control line.