Thoughts on what could be eating through the base of my tomatoes?
Happy/feel good books
Planning for the fall (what are your favorite/best producing varieties?)
Any extra tickets to the watch party tonight?
How do you deal with sri Lankan weevils?
Built a garden tracker on Google Sheets
Garden orb weaver?
I'm an idiot, but I have hope. Nearly $20K credit card debt across 2 maxed out cards, how do I pay it off?
I’ve got 40k coins to burn, so I’ll give gold to everyone who comment on this post :) let’s go!!
I've wasted my money so Comments with no replies gets an award.
John Oliver says reply for an award. Giving away all my Reddit coins
Mastering and manipulating the forces at work …
In need of a book to escape life as I battle cancer, anxiety, and depression. Life is hard. I’m 25.
Video of all my potted fruit trees
Off-season thread
South Florida on a tomato plant taken yesterday.
South Florida. Is this a 15 spotted lady beetle?
I’m so screwed, approx. 43,000 in credit card debt and Don’t know how to continue.
Pretty sure it’s a monarch butterfly, but it seems very early in the season for them. North Texas / US sighting
Seems like my LODs are what’s slowing down my dashboard any advise?
In my garden bed. Mostly organic so I let nature take its course. Just curious what this is.
My marigolds last summer
Hydro-garden update. My seeds have all sprouted and I am rooting some clones.
This is my first time growing Okra. Does this guy look ready to harvest? The plant seems so small to already be growing pods!
The girlfriend got a cat... guess I'm starting over