AIO? I went through my bestfriend's phone without her permission.. she's 17 he's 26
everyone keeps eating my fucking food.
Whoever breaks up over text deserves a punch in the genitalia
Please tell me happy birthday.
can i still call myself a catholic if i don't agree with what the vatican demands i do?
CORSX, where do you find your snails?
CORSX are the snails ok
Is this what you mean by biohacking?
Gf cat is giving birth but it looks like the kitten is stuck and turning purple. Any advice? Also she can’t afford the vet right now
Perfect black pants?
Why do so many LGBTs hate Christians?
Do I look better with red hair or blonde highlights?
Have you ever think you want to reconcile but in reality it’s just emotional feelings?
How can i make some hearty old world lookin' bread given my allergies?
Concerned about 1 corinthians 14:34-35
Visiting Ireland for Rural and historical sites April-May 2025 and looking for rideshare or travel buddies
What you think of this piece of mine ?
Oreo pressing his name button. "Oreo"
This one is for the ladies
Body double
Rotating your closet for the seasons - how does it work?
Me with sin sometimes...
This is a Reddit for the discord group.
Please give your best unhinged names for my new kitten.