Letting others read your work
How to make interesting backstories for teen characters?
I'm afraid to plan my novels because I like to discover the plot while I'm writing - but this causes my writing to be sloppy. What can I do?
What Do Things in Spells Mean?
I’m writing a story and need to know something before I commit
How and when do you describe your book/story characters?
Keeping Short Story Under 1000 Words
Taking college courses again after a 7 year hiatus and have already been suspected of used AI (by two separate intructors) for simple writing assignments. Is this the new norm or am I just unlucky?
Suggest me inspiring books for a 12 year old unsure of his gender.
I feel like someone is calling me
Looking for books to study
Writers of Reddit! I need your input on a Title...
Is using AI exclusively as a brainstorming tool cheating?
Has anyone tried solomanic magic? Did it work?
How do I write bipolar book characters?
Can I use astrology planets as gods to charge my candles?
Should I keep a diary? If yes, how? (I know I just need to write Abt my day, but how do I bond with it emotionally?)
Quitting paganism because of OCD
Suggestions of dark or unconventional books that deal with characters that suffer from mental illness like clinical depression?
Controversial writer opinion, but I'm never hiring an editor ever again
I don't understand why my story was rejected.
Disposal of candles after spell
Where do I seek information publishing short stories?
Baby witches and other misnomers
How long are you supposed to work with deities?