Gunless (2010)
The Gunslinger 1st Edition
Look what I found. Picked up for $8 at a second hand bookstore
Rare Books Sale Summary - WK8
Question about how much First Edition is devalued due to wear and ex-library status.
Found this at a thrift shop, any suggestions on fixing the jacket?
My pristine first edition/first print copy of Lonesome Dove.
Gone With The Wind, Dec. 1936
I got a copy of 'analog' from Jan 1964 for my birthday! Bless the maker!
Stranger In A Strange Land
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, first edition/first printing.
Is this worth
Lonesome Dove first edition/first printing.
Is this first edition? Bought and then signed by JK Rowling when I was in elementary school
Cycle of the Werewolf first edition/first printing signed by Stephen King and Berni Wrightson.
What happened last week on eBay (WK7 Edition)!
Got one!
$25 find - Watership Down, U.S. first edition/first printing
Found at Goodwill about 5 years ago
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch first edition/first printing.
I have a signed first edition of Night Visions 3, which is the first printing of The Hellbound Heart.
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch 1st edition/1st printing.
I sometimes see people get excited about The Bachman Books on this sub. Are collected editions that rare?
The Shining. What's the print?