Failed ace exam for 5 points
Doing my best to slow down the reps and focus on time under tension. Is this optimal?
Guess my age based on my games
Fellow socialists in the USA- how do you cope with the realities of capitalism and consumerism in our country?
Thinking about getting certified
What does my fridge say about me?
What’s Y’all’s favorite forearms excise cause I need it lol
What would you do with this room?
There is a cat food can stuck perfectly in my drain and I can't get it out.
Looking for fitness coach
Ever feel underappreciated?
What does this say about me ?
excruciating watch, thank you sir
Why are there more and more PTs marketing to seniors?
What would you pick from this selection?
Want to level a Paladin on the PvP realm with a Horde character in it. What to do?
Saw this yesterday, no placard
When do YOU leave a Dungeon group prematurely?
What are your thoughts on this ultrawide screen for Path of Exile 2 (25x6 meters)
How is this the flight path.
ADHD has ruined my social life.
What’s my fridge telling you?
What Does My Brothers Fridge Say ? 😂
hi guys, how can I get the free restedxp for the fresh server, im 40 and i would like to have it.
He is a hero. One America deserves in these times