What terrorism actually mean to Republican supporters (is to gkick Pirate from onlyfangs)
Propaganda has in fact, never been so easy, all you need to do is to say something and people will believe it.
testing water on this new tiktok
Is there any hope to zoomer Americanos?
Friend under the door
I dont think China is going to like these type of honest comments from US users...
Win 4 games mission - took 14 fucking games.
I wanted to lose weight but I probably overlevelled. Dont forget to hit the gym bajs!
new political spectrum has dropped
Should we tell MAGAs that last time America had a huge disaster (covid19), it was Trump's presidency?
Elon Musk exposed for buying boosted POE2 account to prove he’s an epic gamer.
Cricket in my basement turned into this after watching Forsen stream, mr.fors explain?
Went to go see Nosferatu for fembaj friday. Really good i rate 8/10.
"renowned Korean American artist" proved that not all Asians can do math
manliest Chinese viewer no.2 yearly compilation (maxlevel next year probably)
Mr. Fors, a 2nd femboy has hit the subreddit
Merry Christmas bajs,Chinese baj back,rate me n my girlfriend's outfit td(Im the black dude on the left)
I will not allow the government to take away my gun KKona Clap
Far-right anti-communism guy now thinks state-controlled economy is good. We live in a weird timeline.
Trying to clear this map only to find out that the last rare spawned outside of the map (topleft)
Hard stuck at "The Hornet's Nest" quest at Sphere because emission and the building does not protect me from it
When you finally obtain and upgrade SAIGA
Seeking shelter or something
What a life of luxury