Stockland, is this a joke?
Donor area still sparse after 2 months? 3.800 grafts
Day 25ish: new-growth areas seem so sparse... Are the little sprouts I'm seeing the only new hairs I'm gonna get?...
Instructions found on North Korean soldiers in Kursk and Ukraine
7 months after hair transplant, kinda worried
/u/NASA official "climate spiral" depicting global temperature variations since 1880 (updated with 2024 data)
10 days post 2500 graft FUE
Hair transplant caused severe nerve damage lasting 3 months
25 years on finasteride - my experience
ELI5 Why did Melbourne’s property market go down so much?
Donor area on day 20
3 days post-op - swelling…
PayId reversal
Day 8 first wash. Is this a lost graft??
Casually blocking the Bunnings exit for 20 minutes
10 days post op - are these lines normal?
‘Time is running out’: Victoria, NSW turn to gas imports as energy crisis nears
3 times gym a week for 10 Years, 32 Years old, 118 Kg, am I maxxed out?
Progress update
Clear dark yellow fluid
Building nuclear power plants in Australia could cost double CSIRO predictions, energy experts warn
How long did your ugly duckling phase last?
1 month update - FUE - 2200 grafts
Hair much worse after HT.
5 Month Update. 3300 Grafts.