I’m gonna go curl in in a hole now…
Type “I’m so wanting a” and let autofinish finish it
Type in "Why do my socks smell like____" and let your keyboard complete it (Image unrelated)
Type "I lost my virginity to ___" and you know the drill (image unrelated)
Type "k bro, u actually" and let autocomplete finish it
I'm a ______
I have a big crush on _____ because _________
Type "whats the" and let your keyboard finish it
Type, “When I grow up, I want to be a” and let autcomplete do its thing
Type "my search history is" then let autocomplete finish for you
Type 'My rat is/My rat did' and let autocomplete finish your sentence
Type “I feel so” and let your keyboard finish. Image unrelated
Since everyone else is doing it might aswell do it too. Type “my greatest fear is…” and let autocomplete finish.
Type your name with eyes closed
Type "i like" and let your keyboard continue it
Type "is it wrong to" and let auto complete finish the sentence
Type "I'm a" and let autocomplete finish it
Type "I'm not a big fan of" and let your keyboard finish (gif unrelated)
I will draw some cats, send me your best pictures. Mostly sketches, but I may do some ink or watercolour portraits
Let me draw your cat(s) please
No response here
The ai is actually using big words:0