I broke down first thing
In need of dreamlight
I don’t want kids… but will I find a husband who doesn’t want them either?
“Why do you even care?”
Customers and their stupidity.
Are things getting to be too Child friendly now??
Claire Redfield from RE
Night Shards
Return policy questions
Do you work here?
Did anyone catch this??
Called out child exploitation and everyone lost their marbles
But why???
I can’t stand parents
Umm hey pet parents if you need help… don’t walk away
When did Vicky get possessed?
We try to tell you
Felt the need to share this
Customers really be lying out here
If Zara did… to Robby in the hotel room, why wouldn’t he try to tell Tory?
A photo showing dead bodies at the Route 91 festival (2017 Las Vegas shooting)
This is kinda sad, but
This can’t happen right?
Is M/24 jealous over my F/24 streaming career?