Thanks Gale
Why is the ban of Tiktok even a thing?
complete set of Discworld books for sale (Ottawa, Ontario)
Is permanent residence really useful to get a job?
Is overhead traffic light still a thing?
Actress Caroline Munro getting her boots shined by Cub Scouts in London, UK 1972.
Actress Caroline Munro getting her boots shined by Boy Scouts in London, UK 1972.
What’s something you used to hate but ended up loving as you got older?
Any hope finding a job as an Expat without any qualifications?
1893. Found photograph of the Northwest Goatman, a mysterious human-goat hybrid who despite discrimination and adversity, became the mayor of the UK town of Scarfolk in the late 19th century
'm an enthusiast and collector of ancient Chinese coins. I'm willing to answer questions and offer support.
Cafe for work?
Convenience stores
Minibus etiquette positives
Aggressive rude man at Victoria Peak
From Singapore but I wonder what the HK results would be
A study by channel named Heart Touching Films survayed a few kids about their choices/favourite things and the results were quite interesting.
Rejected 1950’s products
When was the most random time you had a sexual experience when you weren’t expecting one?
Saw him in Hongkong. It’s amazing to see how he found a way to express himself and bring beauty to the world.
Dwarven Cheesemaker
Which fashion trend do you wish would make a comeback in 2025?
My wife joined the Suffrage Movement. 1900.
Have scam calls ever called y'all almost 200 times?
Ok found all these books for $10 on facebook marketplace. Time to start my dive into this world
Favourite pipe tunes?
Sanya at Christmas