When did you realise in life that you aren't who you set out to be?
What is the funniest joke you've ever heard?
Who would you like to run America out of anyone in the universe?
What's the best thing to do after waking up?
When did you experience.. the fuckening?
Why are people so serious about upvotes?
How do Australians handle living in a place where everything wants to kill you or is ridiculously scary ?
What is the worst lie you’ve ever told in your life?
How did you overcome a really low point in life?
What is a controversial trait you find attractive in your significant other?
Why is eating children bad?
Where does everyone actually share posts?
lets ignore the US for a second, how’s the rest of the world doing?
What's everyone's predictions for this year?
In honour of valentines day, how did you meet?
What was your dream job as a child?
What's some great life tips for the younger generation?
How are you spending this valentine's day?
What was something you looked forward to as a kid ?
What even is?
What are some good community fundraising ideas?
What is a song that you find motivational but others don't and why?
What is said on the illegal podcast? Wrong answers only, if possible at all
Hypothetically, could current ai use trends and stuff to create a successful cancer/s treatment?