Please share pics of your undercooked chickens loafing!
My girlfriend (27f) is expecting her name on the deed to a house that I (28m) will be using my money to buy?
What is this? Toothpaste for ants?
Am I wrong for saying my husband’s kid can’t stay the night with us?
Christmas kitty
Heart broken from a local Facebook page
As requested, my 14 year old disaster cat Picassa
Sex poll
Sweetest little Dracula
Regina Shortcomings
This little amazing thing!. It’s a small heater for my bathroom. It’s perfect!!
How old does a child have to be to change their name with only one parents consent?
What do they do with industrial ovens if someone is cooked to death inside of one?
What is this/causes this, and does it needed replaced asap or no biggie?
How do y'all deal with mice?
Accidental face punch by husband 41M What do i 40F do?
Is it normal nowadays for a mortgage to be more expensive than rent?
How many trick or treaters did you guys and ghouls get and which area?
How is your RV Mattress?
Structural engineer that doesn’t work for a foundation/bracing company
Do women generally find most men attractive?
Any good pool halls? (That won't destroy my wallet)
What's a common household item people may not realize needs to be washed regularly?
Month to Month Rentals