In an argument, an ignorant person is much more likely to win than an intelligent person because the ignorant person has the power of excessively strong denial/stupidity of which no amount of reasoning can break through.
[WP] A machine is created to increase Earth's oxygen levels. The goal is to enhance the overall performance of human beings. It works, but now all ants are suddenly the size of watermelons.
Homewood and Mountain Brook officially partner on redevelopment of Brookwood Village
Opinion: Gardendale and Fultondale..
I can't help but feel like this season is why Twilight exists.
It took me this long to get it. *facepalms*
This may be a weird question but does Dawn's existence mean that some events may not even have happened as far as the gang's altered memories are concerned?
Try to cover every season theme ( by the way, what's your fav season )
[Buffy's Ultimate Playlist] It is Autumn in 2003. Buffy drops her IPod. What songs are on it when you pick it up?
What should Dirt Cheap be replaced with in Homewood after it closes
[ONE WEEK SPECIAL] What is the worst thing this character has ever done (Volume 7): Angel/Angelus
Comment only 2 emojis representing an episode and the rest have to guess which episode it is
What is the worst thing this character has done (VOL. 6)- Joyce Summers
What is the worst thing this character has ever done (5): Cordelia Chase.
I absolutely had to take a picture of this
Coach comes in to help terrible team achieve glory
How much $$ did SMG earn from the series?
What is the worst thing this character has done (Day 4): Rupert Giles
What's the worst thing this character has done (Day 3): Xander Harris
Most Iconic Season ?
What's the worst thing this character has done: Willow Rosenberg (Day 2)
Slutty Vegan Back Next Week!!!
What's the worst thing this character has done: Buffy Summers
Anywhere like bullet coffee?