Celebrate this fucking beautiful green god with me
ppl complaining about women in battlefield 2026 yet women in bf1. and bf1 is held as the best game in the franchise. pls explain to me why NOW its an issue? (double standards istg)
Battlefield gameplay leak in a nutshell
Ben aan het snoeien…
Battlefield labs leak
For anyone who is also hyped for Assassin's Creed Shadows! Ubisoft posted the console specs for the game.
can you buy a game on xbox pc and will you be able to keep that game permanently?
Here's a futage of what it all looks like from the menu side, the boot, the screen, the start of the fight and the fighters in uniform is awesome.
Is Infinite dead in Europe?
Ik moet 2 uur met de trein naar haarlem, en kan niet controleren of hij werkt aangezien je daarvoor een pc nodig hebt.
Leaked Footage (11 mins) 1080p - Ripped from YouTube before takedown
Pre alpha
5 minutes gameplay, thoughts?
Is this what people do in ranked slayer?
Is this considered good?
When you were Onyx in Season 1 and have come back to the game as a complete scrub who can't win a gunfight
Verstandskiezen verwijderen
Maybe Maybe Maybe
Finished Duolingo Dutch Course, Now What?
Beyond the grave??
Waarom kennen we niemand meer?
[KCD2] My fiancée went to her parents for the weekend. I’ve been playing for 18 hours straight. Audentes Fortuna Iuvat!”
Hoe noem je een otter met parkinson?
Can anyone Identify this?if can I want change the display on it
Laptop stuck on main menu screen...