Whats the most "hard to watch" movie you've ever seen?
What movie have you watched the most number of times?
What are you starting to dislike more as you get older?
Changed up some colors on my lwrc. Now I just need an sig 4xt-pro with a Juliet 4X magnifier to replace the Aimpoint pro.
I am a narcissist and a compulsive liar. AMA.
I’m covered head to toe in tattoos AMA
Which blank states should I visit?
How do you kill time at work?
What tv show series got canceled too soon?
What is something men will never look cool doing?
How much sleep are you getting a night?
Those who packed up and moved impulsively, was the grass greener?
What's your "I can eat this everyday" meal?
Those who packed up and moved impulsively, how did it go?
What summer fragrance do you guys recommend?
Has anyone ever bought a vehicle off fb marketplace place?
Redditors , what your favorite ice cream?
What is something you dislike as you get older?
What do you eat on a Sunday?
Which one should I get?
Help me narrow down what state is best for me and my family
Can you give me a list of pros and cons for moving to the DFW area?
What’s become clear to you as you’ve gotten older?
What is the worst perfume you have ever smelled ??
Ever had a dream so surreal it just fucked you up mentally?