Please DS! Please do more Meditation Videos 🙏
What's the deal with AI girlfriends?
216 hours in and I'm still struggling with the intermediates.
Do you have any family members that you find it very difficult to get on with?
Anyone else find that the difficulty numbers don't really mean much after a certain point?
Should I keep tracking my kid's phone, I'm really at a loss
Dear Dreaming Spanish
You just won $20 million, and your parents ask you for half, what would you say?
Should you bother with family you just can't seem to get along with?
I've always disliked the suit and tie look.
What are some Spanish music artists you have discovered in your DS journey?
What's the goal for secular Buddhists?
What comes to your mind when a man refers to himself as an “Alpha Male”?
Dealing with family members you just can't seem to get along with.
A catch 22 I notice with mindfulness
English Subtitles
I've had the best news a DS learner can have!
Men, how do you get rid of an unwanted boner?
How the heck do people afford to travel?
Folks at higher levels. What goes through your head when you see people with a lot less hours posting all worried about their progress or if they're doing something wrong?
200 hour update.
Is there a Spanish Sam Harris?
adam and eve
What I don’t understand about atheists
The average Reddit user is stupid and If you're reading this you're stupid.