High pay raise questions
downward mouth? droopy face? (8 weeks po)
Suicidal after botched jaw & chin surgery in Belgium, Antwerp. I need help and advice
help, help help
Looking for the best aesthetics oriented maxfac surgeons in Belgium
When to create new components
New to styled-components need help!
Post op - genioplasty - HELP
Anyone have these First4Figures statues? And if so, would anyone wanna sell theirs?
Is this controller legit?
Christmas gift, real or fake?
Golden Sun CIB - US
Golden Sun CIB - US version
Tifa Kotobukiya ArtFX For Sale
I ordered a dr pen from Temu
Double jaw surgery 22 months out and I still have numbness, anyone have faith that it will still recover or is this permanent?
4 weeks till class 2 DJS. Do you think the surgery will make my philtrum longer than it is?
Did they move my upper jaw too far forward? My upper lip now bulges out and protrudes noticeably over my lower lip.
Has anyone had/knows anything about cheekbone osteotomies? (Zygomatic ost, malarplasty)
I'm feeling suicidal 6 months post botched surgery
[Skin Concerns] Got this white marks on my lips not sure what they are (my guess is scarring). Anyone else got them and has some advice on how to make them go away?
Need help with disappointing jaw surgery result
M/21/6’2 [164>163] 1 year post lefort 1 and Bilater sagital split osteotomy jaw surgery
Entity Framework - don't save an object to the database in a disconnected scenario
Unity2D Pixel Perfect Camera: Buggy Camera