Behold, the floor plan for the household—updated, naturally, to ensure no one wanders through this magnificent estate like a lost, bewildered soul. Navigate with the grace & sophistication befitting this majestic residence!
Recommendation of series similar to Rome?
found second season dvds at a local bookstore
Been watching TV for almost 60 years I think this episode hits me hardest of all TV shows I’ve ever watched
I’ve found him
A King who abandons his army during a seige and a King who flies into battle on a dragon.
When you, your wife and your wife’s soul trapped inside a doll all match
Came across this cute Beanie Boo with misplaced eyes
My Kingdom Hearts Wedding Cake!
Anyone make an accurate floor plan for the household?
Would either of these run Fallout 4 well?
Creepy Paper
Yoko Shimomura – Nachtflügel [Classical]
🦅 🔴
Marty Robbins - She Was Young and She Was Pretty [Country]
Never played Kingdom Hearts before, bought this on a whim at a pawn shop (talked the guy down to $25), was this a good investment?
61M and 63M our living room.
“Bran Never Existed! It’s always been me…”
Anyone given this a look yet?
Condolences to Harvey on the Loss of His Home in the CA Fires
What unit do yall think has the best drip? Me personally, Aserai mamluke cavalry
Is this cool?
What's Clayton reacting to?
Tears of Kingdom Hearts (by @hollypolllyy)