Pls bro pls
Newbie here how to get faster results?
AIO my boyfriend was too tired to drive me to my abortion
Home depot are just sexist.
Toilet swap
How many of us were SA by a female?
Is it really a corporate policy that stores have to provide seating for cashier's?
Some thoughts for discussion…
Trumpflation Day 8: Eggs are under $3/12 in some parts of Canada right now.
this game is actually amazing
Ye or Ne?
Trump Just Broke the Law. Blatantly. And He Might Get Away With It - How is this not a major political scandal already? Hello, Democrats?
DS Position
OFA Questions
What being DS was like for me
Officially a lube tech!
Was this a scam?
Wife wants me to wear a camera when I ride.
Half apron?
Affordable cars noways?
How to make $100 dollars before valentine's day
Removed unlimited hearts for students
Duolingo schools unlimited hearts gone
Fb marketplace goodness