Vad sägs?
Welke plek geven wij op?
Om alla länder tävlade med sin bästa låt någonsin – vilken skulle Sverige välja?
AITA::: What would you do in my situation (35F , 40M)
UK RC-135 flying near Russian border with two Eurofighter escort
15 years old
Been wearing a Garmin for two years, today I hit my best 7 day averages for both HRV and RHR
Carving feedback update
US-made weapons remnants found in Rafah after Israel’s withdrawal
Rotating the highback, is it a thing?
200+ Galaxy Rasbora
Me cheating ex always said to “not waste money” on a Snowboard, so here’s my first ever setup courtesy of her wedding ring funds 🍻👋
Thoughts on helmet covers
158w vs. 156
Finally made a personal achievement on saving time.
When did you discover your love for boobs?
Total Bill - Fair for a 2010 Camry?? - Went in for new brakes and oil change. $1300 later... It was a new mechanic shop and just want to make sure my wife wasn't taken advantage of.
Build quality of gravity feed smokers?
What is your 'nice to have' accessory you always bring with you when you ride?
What is the craziest, weirdest, or dramatic thing you have ever witnessed or experiences in the mens restroom/locker room?
First day back in 9 years.
Neighbours asking us to leave a gap from their extension when building our rear extension to allow for pipe maintenance.
What is 100% a scam but people don't realize it?
Suggestion thread
How many of you actually like your snowboard boots?
First time printing w PETG, what are these blemishes?