Based on this statement I wonder how many hypothetical children this guy has.
Running out of room!
Favorite photo I've taken of Marley
Seattle is the #1 City in USA for Gay Couples
[College organic chemistry - R and S configurations] confused on how to approach
A perfect example of how transphobia affects everyone. If you're one of the ones who thinks "I'm safe bc I'm not trans", think again. If you don't stand for trans rights don't come crying when they come for yours next.
My parent's refrigerator
Rebinded my copy of The Handmaid's Tale
This valentines card from the White House
Second rebind is a WIP! Question about endpapers though
Beginner tips?
Marley loves to go out in the rain because he knows I'll bring out the heated towel
First project with cricut machine
does anyone else find the "vloggers" extremely annoying and cringe?
People misusing lesbian spaces.
updated black american results
TIL the student center elevators run on an over 1 month expired permit
My work just sent out an email saying pronouns in your email are no longer allowed
can you tell i'm lesbian?
Got into book rebinding! This is my first project, and while it's far from perfect, I rlly enjoyed doing it
My first ever book rebind! Although not perfect I still had lots of fun :)
How long should I case in my book in a book press?
Unsure of what to do with this space overlooking the foyer
Thought this was regular Ring cam footage at the beginning
[Organic Chemistry - Resonance] am I supposed to add the missing lone pair before drawing the resonance structures? I’m really confused