Got it removed by default
Is kombucha bad for PFS?
Lowest Low
Blood Test Analysis (6months into PFS)
Developed gyno almost 6 months into PFS.
I quitted taking fin and now im worried I can get pfs at some time. How can I survive that time?
For the fellas that can lift - what protein powder do you use?
Is this gyno?
Sports worsening symptoms
Cialis or Citrulline
Was anyone here able to successfully complete their degree while dealing with PFS?
Blood flow Problem
Finasteride messed me up even after a month of stopping
Noticed some symptoms after only 2 pills...
Post Finasteride Syndrome Gyno
My erections came back right away after stopping finasteride.
Gyno from PFS
why do most people suffering from PFS on youtube still have their hair?
Is fasting helpful? How many people have noticed changes with this?
My 7 Month Journey to Recovery: Advice to Those Struggling
Sending Love and Strength to all of you
Need advice on supplements
Coping with insomnia