Susan hate
Why isn’t there a record that Alejandro is Gabbys step dad
Weird question do you think that shoemaker would be able to shorten platforms on my converse?
Everyone hates on Tom because he’s the only normal husband on the show.
Part 2 post: Regarding Madison De La Garza, her comments regarding playing Juanita Solis as a kid with regards to the fat comments
It's my birthday today :D
I hate Rex so much. He is such an ass. And ungrateful.
Which non-romantic relationship/bromance is the best in the show according to you?
Lynette’s roadtrip
The Emma episode? I forget the name of it.
Alien Episode 7x11
Should I take Spanish B HL or Spanish A SL?
AITA for hating my kids?
Our teacher is threatening us that iPads will be banned!
What would you do if you were in Bree's place?
Bree was pretty dumb marrying Orson.
Can't sympathize with Susan's loneliness
Unpopular opinion: SF was not as selfish as judge drama
Best Parent imo goes to Mitchell
whats the worst thing theyve done? 5- george
It’s crazy to me how people still say that Teri was villain even after vanity fair photo shoot
Do you think Lynette was the closest to Mary Alice when she was alive?
Why do people say that Susan cheated on Mike?
What's the worst thing each housewife did?
If you could choose one of them to be your mother, who would it be?