Game kinda suffers from modifier stacking
Does anyone know the requirements to / how hard it is to convince a son or daughter to join a holy order?
Conquered the world around 1270, then decided to play tell the end… For some reason.
Will I get my lieges land if I claim his title with Meritocracy?
Is there any way I can break/destabilize/take over Byzantium (big red) withough fighting?
How bad is it if I ignore the domain limit
I miss the old Byzantines
Does CK3 stay enjoyable after the challenge is gone?
Why did Henry VIII waste the potential of Mary and Elizabeth to give him Grandchildren?
If Maul was only truly an assassin to Palpatine, why did Sideous even bother giving him the title of Darth?
Everyone hates me now
The Priest-Hating Pope....! How did this even happen
The product of 500 years of eugenics, and conquering.