What are some of the most broken poi’s in fortnite history?
Wyobraźcie sobie, że Wasi dziadkowie, którzy większość czasu spędzają sami, są odbiorcami tego rodzaju komunikatów przez kilka godzin.
Whoever decided the lootpool in the chests should quit Epic Games.
Who do you guys think will top 3 eu
The Day I Realized Who Taylor Really Is
Ariana the greatest hypocrite
Well, I can tell you why one of them isn't.
Rosyjska ruletka vs Polska ruletka
I am not in danger. I am the danger.
Is Chapter 6 better than OG season 1.
“My pronouns are racist I’m so edgy!!!”
How is your og experience?
Like holy crap nobody is impressed.
Let’s discuss how Ariana can’t have a single second NOT be about her
How much have you spent on fortnite since you started?
Which skin is a no go for you?
Ranking all the seasons I played (Started in Season 2, missed C4S3 and C5S2, I don't think I missed out on a lot tho)
"YoU sWeAtS hAtE fUn!!!!1!!!1!" Meanwhile top 10 player in the world:
You will be missed 😔😔
EU Nations with the MOST FNCS Wins 🏆🤑
If you were in charge of Fortnite what would be the first thing u do?
Too much mobility in Reload
Is it just me, or does Kim’s house sort of look like a prison?
Diddy claims he is a victim of "racially motivated prosecution"
duo cashcup qual