Guy perfectly explains how Tiktok literally started a major American Revolution that shook the government and Every industry in America to its core which eventually led to its ban.
13 numbers on plummeting physician pay
Airbnb host ask me to cancel so they don’t have to
Drink girl
Guess who
My husband (30yo) is on hospice for cancer
This is going to be a wonderful hearing, let alone the four years behind it
Why do Americans build with wood?
Billionaires Are Still Losers
“Certificate culture.” Constantly competing against this stupid nonsense is exhausting.
This guy is complaining that "His Filipina" left him because she got "Too Americanised"
It does make sense
Anybody else here that never eats the free samples?
Superman vs The Avengers
I think the Sacred Timeline doesn't have an anchor being
Stereotypes exists for a reason
Trump’s cabinet is a joke
"Let's Be Honest There's Something Wrong In This Country."
A cool guide to clothing quality and prices
Annoyed Lemon on Creators & the TikTok Ban
Anyone find a good way to iron all your clothes without having to sit their ironing all clothes?
What do you think will be Dooms source of power?
This Mighty Carver
Jordan Peterson logic: dragons are real
What Should They Have Written Instead Of This Trilogy?