Best buy it for life "out of the box" espresso machine for home barista use? (i.e. no mods necessary)
any other enby folks here?
Am I overreacting?
Is it better to weigh your beans or weigh your grounds? Eureka Grinder
Is it better to weigh your beans or weigh your grounds?
First Pull
How many shots do you pull in the morning?
Water filter for Profitec Go?
Why is pesto pasta triggering reflux?
AIO by not agreeing to disagree?
AIO to this text thread from my partner (M26) (F23)
Switching from Barista Touch to Lamarzocco micra
More information regarding Alex petitioning the court for a protective order against Noah. Mod verified.
"Sugar daddy" has 666 tattooed on his knee
Chicago pic in comments!!
Not posting Ari didn’t last long
Round three After Laughter Album
Does anyone think there will ever be a permanent cure for anxiety?
AmIO wanting to block her?
What coffee are you drinking?
Delete if posted already
Court papers filed on 11/26/24
Is Home made espresso almost always better?