Gainite / Painite
Bacon post truffle release
Why hasn't elevennotes been banned already?
How much would you pay for TV subscriptions?
Do you, or anyone around you actually want AI?
What are your go-to comfort TV shows?
Do you still observe seasons and rituals?
Now that the holidays are over, how hard are you working today on the 2nd of Jan?
What was your top present this year?
Can you help us find this movie??
What fun activities can we do in and around Somerset?
How has your Christmas been this year?
Who's company is obsessing with AI right now?
What would you spend £900 of Amazon vouchers on?
New Zealand is outlawing and banning all Greyhound dog racing by 2026. Do you think eventually dog racing will be banned here too?
What is, by far, the stupidest decision you've ever made?
We can't make this stuff up: tech companies Palantir and Anduril form fellowship for AI adventures - Meanwhile, Sauron secures funding. Really.
What town in your area has a bad reputation that’s fully justified?
SUSD Best games of 2024
OpenAI is partnering with defense tech company Anduril
Are you for or against the Assisted Dying Bill? And have you ever watched a loved one die from a terminal diagnosis?
What’s your thoughts on supermarket loyalty cards actually being a saving?
How much AI do you use for your scripting?
What are the most flagrant uses of AI you've seen used in everyday life?
What temperature do you have your house set to at the moment?