Who do I look like?
Why have sex and relationships (compared to the past) become such an incredibly complicated game?
You are given 1 million dollars a year but must choose 1 person to die every day. How would you go about doing this?
Another non-vegan hypocrite
Eating meat can never be normal to me
Men, What Causes You to Lose Interest After 1 to 2 Months of Dating? (Excluding Moral/ Personality Flaws)
Why are so many young men feeding into this red pill narrative?
What causes a man to feel “fartherly” and protective of a younger woman? And why only that specific woman?
How do stop people from using your emotions against you?
Who wins?
For $10k USD, you must pick one animal species to go extinct forever.
Curious…What do men in their 30s look for?
Tokens of Gratitude/Appreciation from Women
The four horsemen of the mace experience
Why are meat-eaters the ones who always make it a big deal?
Which outfit for a date?
How to be more angry
32 M no likes on tinder, consistently ghosted, and have been flat out told “just not interested” am i that ugly?
Equating Meat with Masculinity
41/M Happy and Happily Married, but I've always sort of thought I was an ugly dude.
What occupations make for a *good* potential partner in women?
just a vent to others who get it
Parenting isn't an "equal" effort, I'm sick of people acting like it is.
What’s the most overrated advice people give about life?