Is it just me or are stray dogs in Caelid actually ridiculously overpowered?
BlueSky Feedback Needed!
Is Bluesy good for creatives?
What's your favorite summon that's just okay?
Are there bosses in the DLC that are harder then MALENIA
Please God making it to Round 3 would be soo funny. MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD!
How much would you pay for Bluesky?
What’s your favourite attack out of all bosses? I’ll go first
Just something neat with Fuel and Somersloops.
For the Americans voting in 2024 Election, does Kamala Harris get your vote? Why or why not?
Don't hate please, I just think it could be St. Trina (Read Description)
He needs a name. Any suggestions?
All the animals at Periwinkle Campground perished. Very sad.
Why didn't we steal this?
Melina is from the age of the ancient tree/ Crucible Era
Wait I’m confused. Why are there MULTIPLE Placidusax Bodies in Farum Azula? Was there more than just one Dragonlord?
Which is the Hardest/Rarest Wepon to get?
Mohg Used Confusion
Does anyone know how Radagon has the Elden Ring inside him during our fight?
Whats so special about NG+?
Daily Roundtable: Community Q&A
Forget stats. What's the best *looking* shield?
Over 1,230 hours played. Main character is on journey 10 (NG+9). Ask me anything.
Lore reason behind Maliketh changing voice lines?
Question: What gods did the godskins use for making their clothes?