I can't do this anymore.
What age did you go down to 2 naps?
Baby wakes every hour
Seriously, how the fuck am I going to survive this
Forced into purees - need success stories on how Im not ruining baby
When did you start going out?
What's the parenting hill you're willing to die on?
Dreading the 4 month regression
Weird moment with daycare worker. Am I overreacting?
Can y’all please come and get your village idiot? He is in the U.S., last seen under the president’s desk.
If you're feeling frustrated, know that this isn't an exact science.
Sleep of my second child makes me regret having him.
I'm so tired of all the "rules" around sleeping. It's literally NOT working. About to just give up on my baby's sleep schedule altogether.
What are some books you WISH were available as an audiobook?
I don't want to be a mommy today
When does it get fun?
Online and IRL Parenting Spaces Snark Week of February 10, 2025
Getting your groove back and enjoying postpartum
Cry it out method for 14.5 month old who only wants to co sleep
When did your baby drop to 1 nap, and do you consider them low or high sleep needs?
2 under 2
General Parenting Influencer Snark Week of February 10, 2025
Losing too much weight and feeling devastated
Taking care of more than one baby while sick is diabolical
Neighbors threatening me due to crying noise