Advisor Fate
What is the Most British Novel by Black Library?
Which Lore of Magic should be visually updated next?
Which of the base game races have a good Realm of Chaos campaign?
Regardless of the reasons CA has made before, what in YOUR opinion qualifies a character to be made into a hero or lord?
DLC Speculation: Masters of Death
Total War: Warhammer Canon Endings
Best game for campaign depth?
Who is Your Dream Voice Actor to Feature in a Total War Game?
Am i the only one who doesnt like gelts mechanic
What’s something you like about the Sequel trilogy?
What changes do you guys want in tzeentch update ?
I don't think every LL that you WH enthusiasts can name should make it to Immortal Empires, which is already overcrowded.
Why wasn't Arranessa saved for a "Grand Alliance" DLC?
Looking for a specific type of YouTube play through..
Best campaigns for playing with a specific objective in mind?
They made a mechanic about taking skulls as trophies for skulltaker, guess who else does that?
For those who know the lore, who is your favourite legendary lord in terms of Warhammer lore?
Are there any other Places On the Immortal Empires Map where New Magical Forests can be Added?
Are there Any Common Fictional Plants/Crops Grown Throughout the Imperium?
Tabletop Players/Fans, What Aspects of Total War: Warhammer (Units, Locations, Abilities, etc.) are the Most Faithfully Adapted from the Source Material?
Would anyone be interested if there was a Total War: Elder Scrolls?
What kind of movement range is this?
Threatening to drive your own race extinct is the most Dark Elf thing ever
Who do you guys think the new Lady Adivsor is going to be in the future?