Best "it's not what it seems" movies?
Lets do a roast me based on our favorite movies
What is your top three favorite Kubrick films?
What are your last 4 watched?
Does Kurosawa belong in a top 30 directors all time?
Favorite Cinematography You’ve Seen In a Film
The most disturbing movie death that comes to mind
What is the greatest setpiece ever built for a film?
Most obscure movies you've seen?
A movie that’s so visually stunning you almost don’t care about the plot.
Director’s photos that match their films >>>
movies with the best atmosphere/aesthetic that you can completely lose yourself in?
12 Years of Criterion Collecting
Is this worth best buddying?
what are your favorite animated films?
What movie did you dislike on your first viewing, then discovered to be a masterpiece after re-watching?
Name 3 movies you absolutely have to watch AT LEAST once a year. I'll start!
What others movies should I add?
Is seven samurai worth a blind buy?
Films That Deserve the Criterion Treatment
What movie did you think “this can’t get any weirder,” and the it does?
Which one should I watch first?
What is your favorite ‘angry’ scene in a film?
What are your favorite shots in film history?
Which movie do you think had the best poster ever?