Went off Zoloft, back on after 3 weeks
I'm wondering if any of you have gone back on Zoloft quickly after trying to be off? I was on a low dose 25mg for 2 years and it has helped me tremendously. I decided to come off as I never had to increase my dose and I just wondered how I'd do without it (and maybe just generally feeling a little sluggish on it). I did a 2 week taper and now have been totally off for 3 weeks and I just. Feel. Awful. The anxiety and insomnia came back in the last 10 days in just a crushing way. I realize there may be a period to adjust to being off it, but I just don't like how this feels so I went back on today. I don't meet with my psych for a couple more weeks, has anyone else had a short period like that off and then went back on quickly? Is the readjustment to going back on about the same as the first time around?
I'm so ready to feel good again. I realized my anxiety feels like this constant buzzing in my body and brain that the Zoloft has been helping so much to mute. This was a (maybe good?) reminder of how far I've come on Zoloft and how bad it was before I went on. I decided I will happily accept some daytime sluggishness for overall peace in my brain and better sleep..