Was anyone here ever a fan of Jenna?
I don’t know if I’d have called myself a ‘fan’ per se as I’ve never been a big adult content consumer, but I did like her as a pop culture figure. I remember thinking she was really beautiful in the late 90’s, watching her MTV Cribs episode, and reading her book. I even casually kept up with her over the years and genuinely thought she was sober and had some legit health scare in Hawaii.
So finding this sub has been an eye opener (and a lesson in the wonders of IG filters) 😂 It makes me wonder if her “smart-as-hell ball busting business woman” persona she honed up until the late 2010’s (which I absolutely believed and bought into) was an act.
That being said, shoutout to the dwellers, as I’d never have known the truth without this sub!