The true pug WoW experience XD

I was in a timewalking dungeon where someone was toxic to the healer so the healer started a vote to kick them. I actually agreed with that but it didn’t pass because the toxic guy had a friend in the party.

The toxic guy then voted to kick the healer for “being low on mana.” I rejected that of course. The tank said “you’re all being ridiculous” and left.

So while we waited for a new tank, the friend of the toxic guy pulls. All of a sudden I’m kicked without ever saying a word to anyone! The HEALER then DMs me with “why you pull bro?” (I’m not even a bro)

…I’m guessing the healer erroneously voted to kick me when I secretly defended them with my votes. I then got to enjoy 30 minutes to myself as the only innocent party in this nonsense….

You just can’t win…