Newbie bear tank needs advice on m+ routes from more experienced tank players

Hello guys! This expansion I started playing tank. I play mostly solo, so I pug most of my dungeons. I am new to tanking, so my playstyle relies a lot on what I see on YouTube and Twitch. In order to prepare my dungeons, I watched a lot of Quazii (amazing youtuber, he explains the basics like nobody else), and also a lot of other Twitch streams.

I pugged +9s and lower without much issue, but when I started doing +10s, I noticed that my team is constantly frustrated with me. Usually I don't listen to people who flame, but these guys seemed like genuinely good players. Almost every dungeon, people seem very disappointed with the way in which I make my pulls, but they don't exactly point out why. Some of them mention cooldowns, and tell me that I either pull too little, or too much. I tried different routes I saw on the internet, with mixed results.

To all the more experienced tanks up there, I would be extremely grateful if you could share the route you use when doing +10 and above. Most criticism I got in Necrotic Wake, Mists of Tirna Scithe, Grim Batol (people really don't like when I clear out the whole platform before pulling the second boss) and City of Threads (which is by far the most confusing dungeon to me). If needed, I can explain my routes in more detail in the comments. Thank you so much!