Community for Players Too Nervous to Try Dungeons or Raids

Three weeks ago I posted that I was nervous about joining dungeon groups. In my case it was because I like to heal and tank and making mistakes could easily cause the person's key to deplete. In short I felt bad if I caused a key to brick. I updated this reddit two weeks ago, but a lot has changed since then (all positive).

Many players messaged me that they felt the same and suggested that I start a community where like-minded players could play together free of the worry of messing up.

I thought that we might get a dozen players, maybe 20. I was wrong.

The Discord ( ) now has over 3,250 members. 1,500 were on concurrently last night forming groups, raiding and enjoying the game. A million thank yous to everyone who has supported this idea whether it is through helping people through dungeons, leading raids or being part of the community and spreading your positivity. There are also 4 in-game communities going (the limit on a community is 1k) where people can find like-minded players and well, just enjoy the game.

Nearly all of the members in the community came from this reddit. Thank you again for making this such a success. It sounds cliché, but this positive community wouldn't exist without you. You have changed people's lives.

Thank you again.