Working moms with babies/young toddlers - what are your meal tips for feeding babies? How do you do it?

So I had been working full time since my LO was 3 months, I have a demanding job in healthcare that fatigues me and I am naturally low energy. I just moved to a part time schedule for now and my baby just turned a year old.

I have struggled to maintain the household with a new little guy. The biggest concern I have is the mealtime struggle….how the hell do you manage 3 nutritious meals a day plus snacks?! My one year old just started becoming very picky, will only eat about a handful of foods and still leans heavily on soft/puree style foods like oatmeal and yogurt (will othewise eat banana, toast, pouches, some raspberries). I aim to offer a healthy variety with every meal along with his safe foods. Last week I spent 2 hrs preparing chicken meatballs and pea fritters that he wouldn’t touch. I am so worn out with meal times and feel like I’m in the kitchen all day, but then feel guilty when I need to rest instead of cook while he’s napping.

Anyone have any tips/recipes/resources/solidarity?!