Camille Help/Tips
Looking for some help with Camille. I'm pretty beginner but have played a small small amount of PC LOL, some Vainglory and now Wild Rift and watched my friends play a lot of League.
I saw people saying Camille is fun and can be strong so I've been playing her, but she feels hit or miss. I just lost to a Renekton who took me for like 8 - 0... to be fair I just read in another thread it seems Renekton is one of her few counters, and I've also struggled against Darius.
But I find even against a Garren or other legends I fall behind in gold even if I'm a kill or 2 ahead our gold may be equal or still behind in the beginning. I always feel like I'm getting in last hits and denying them but it seems with Camille specifically I struggle with gold.
My build is copied from WildRiftFire, usually do boots/Devine Sunderer as first item. Sometimes if I know it's a lifesteal dependant champ (Warwick example) I'll build the green ripper blade thing.
Any tips or advice to become stronger with Camille?