Nanna Shark swimming lessons
Just saw one of the latest stories (SS in comments) about how Nanna Shark has been teaching Ari survival swimming skills since she was “very young” and she’s finally -almost- floating completely by herself on her back.
Isn’t this what Nanna Shark does as a profession?? My kids were both in weekly swimming lessons from about 4 months old, and while I’ll skip social engagements to make sure we go, we still miss a lot of lessons when they are unwell (gotta love childcare sicknesses!). Both of my kids were floating on their back, on their own, by about 10 months. It’s their default position when they hit the water and if they had their own way then it’s all they would do for the whole lesson half the time.
You’d think that as a professional, with a pool in the home that Ari spends the most time, these skills would be a priority for EVERYONE and they’d be spending a lot of time building those skills??